Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The sandwich

This gym thing has helped me realize that I need to choose workouts that don't make me feel like the life-force is ebbing from me. So yesterday during lunch I got out and did a 30 minute walk/run on the roads with our dog Lucy. I enjoyed it, Lucy enjoyed it, we were all winners. I did 10 minutes of walking, 10 minutes of running, and 10 minutes of walking-- I'm calling this the "sandwich" workout (I may have unknowingly stole the term from the Gallowalkers...) 10 minutes of continuous running was a post-surgery PR. And I didn't seem to be sore afterwards.

So I was thinking about tackling a 30 minute sandwich during lunch on MWF and going to the gym on TTh. The sandwich can progress to 9/12/9, 8/14/8, etc. Or maybe instead of 3 sandwiches a week, I could mix it up some more. Sandwich, wimpy plyometrics, sandwich...

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