Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Insanely reasonable!

I feel like I should congratulate myself. I've been completely sane and reasonable lately. Wow-- where the heck did that come from?? I'm usually so, uh, UNreasonable. I'm running 3x/wk-- that's reasonable-- leaves plenty of time for recovery between runs. I'm adding 2 minutes each week-- so for example, I'm running 30 minutes each run this week; last week I ran 28 minutes and the week before, 26 minutes. That's so reasonable! And the walk breaks-- I didn't just take them out all of a sudden-- I've been slowly extending the time between them. So yesterday I ran 17 minutes, walked 2 minutes and then ran 13 more minutes. Tomorrow, I'll run 10 minutes, walk and then run 20 more minutes. Next week, I'll try 30 minutes continuous-- but since I took out the walk breaks, I won't add any volume. Wow, that's so reasonable!! And the hip? Good! Congratulations, self!