Sunday, March 30, 2008

I hate the gym

I've gone to the gym 9 times in the last 2 weeks. A typical visit entails 12 to 15 minutes of walking/running on the treadmill, sometimes I would do stairs carrying 20 pounds of weights for about 10 minutes in addition to the running, then I'd do ab work, 4-way hip machine, lunges, pull-ups, lower back machine, roman chair-- that's about it. Toward the end of the 2 week "trial period", I got sick of the gym, to the point where I felt like a small part of me died every time I stepped through the doors (seriously, it *sucked*) --- so my theory that I might get used to it didn't pan out. The soreness was kept mostly in check. Toward the end, it felt like it was catching up with me, but I think it was due to burn-out. Looking back on this, it seems silly to imagine that I would take to a 5x/week gym schedule when I hated going 2x/week. I guess I felt like my hip needed something difficult to make it better, and this was difficult. Also, I don't think there is such a thing as a "soreness threshold". It's more of a gradient-- the soreness builds gradually based on intensity and duration.

I'm not sure where this leaves me. I think the strength work in the gym is good, so I should keep going, but back off. The question I'm pondering lately-- what if I just take an extended break, maybe my hip will heal some. And maybe all this activity is prolonging my recovery. Hmmm...

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Quick update

I've been to the gym 7 times in the last 9 days. One of the drawbacks that I hadn't anticipated is the soap. The stuff they provide is pretty bad-- I should bring my own, or I'll continue to smell like my over-cologned uncle, which ain't good by the way. Everything else seems to be going well though.....

Monday, March 10, 2008

A better strategy?

We spent the last week in Mexico. We weren't sure if a relaxing vacation with 2-year-old boy was possible or not, but it was a success. It was relaxing, and we're happier, I think. I've always suspected that I'm not very good at vacations, but this one seemed to work-- was it the free margaritas? Perhaps. Christina's mom came to help out, and although we realized that inviting her could be a big mistake, we had no urge to kill her, and in fact, that part worked out well too. We stayed in one of those all-inclusive beach resorts, the kind we used to make fun of.... but new realities.... Anyway, the day we arrived (Saturday) I did a 2/3 walk/run in on the concrete roads of the resort. Then did it again on Monday. Wed I stepped up to the treadmill in the empty resort gym and tried a 1/4 walk/run-- that made the hip significantly sore. It could have been the concrete from earlier in the week....but it was too much. Oh well. But I learned how to swim in one of the resort's colossal pools-- that was good, and I swam a mile nonstop on Friday, where previously I could only swim 50 meters before stopping and catching my breath. Swimming would be a great activity for me in theory given my hip and all, but I haven't decided if I like it or not. It's boring, I think. I'll try it in Barton a few times before I decide.

I've noticed that hip soreness after a workout sorta depresses me, esp if the workout is wimpy, and they're all wimpy at this point-- makes me question whether I'll be able to run any decent distance or pace, ever. And the soreness prevents me from exercising the next day-- none of which is good. So I think it would be best if I figured out what amount of running allows me to exercise 5 or even 6 times a week without soreness. Is it 10 minutes of running per workout? 13? If I stay below the "soreness threshold" as I'll call it, maybe I can push the threshold farther and faster than my current strategy, which I'd describe as the "2 steps forward one step back" strategy.

So I was thinking-- and this is the depressing part-- I'd visit the gym 5x/week, in the evenings, as a reward to myself I get to watch Jon Stewart--- 30 minutes of strengthening exercises in addition to running progression on the treadmill. The running progression (i.e. the progression of difficulty/duration from one workout to the next) will be very gradual. The idea is that I hang out around the soreness threshold to keep tabs on it, keep it in sight, and prevent myself from crashing into it. If the workout progression is too fast, I might overshoot (crash), which is what I've been doing. I'll try this for 2 weeks and see how it goes....too many hours in the gym will surely drive me insane or depress me or both. But then again I might get used to it.... Once I can run a reasonable amount, say 30 minutes, I'll do some of the running in the afternoon, outside on the roads or trail-- that should help keep me sane...

The strengthening exercises will be core work, emphasis on obliques, lower back, roman chair stuff, lunges, seated adductor and abductor exercises progressing to 4-way hip machine. To mix things up, I might swim. (I'm pretty uncoordinated, but I'd like to learn the flip turn.....)

Today is my son Banjo's birthday-- he's 2 years old! Yay Banjo! And by a surprising coincidence, it's my birthday too-- I'm 38. Uh, yay....