Tuesday, April 15, 2008

A good run

I had a good run yesterday. A great run actually. 20 minutes on the roads, no pain afterwards, and no pain later in the evening, which is when it usually happens. I'm cautious not to get too excited or read too much into it, just as I shouldn't read too much into a crappy run. OK, here's the real truth, something I've distilled from months of pondering the fate of my hip-- it's simple-- I don't know what the heck is going to happen. I'm improving for now, and that is good. And if I improve much more, I'll probably be able to run what I would consider a satisfying amount. And that would be amazing. But it may not happen. or it may...... I do not know.

I need to temper my excitement because it usually makes me do something stupid. But right now I'm sick, so I'm safe for a few days at least. Good thing I don't have a marathon this weekend... Go Boston!!!

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