Saturday, April 12, 2008

not bad vibes

Last Sunday I felt good.... so I went to the gym and proceeded to overdo it, which made me good and sore Monday. I should know the pattern by now-- I feel good, which makes me likely to overdo it. I then overdo it, which makes me sore, this depresses me, I back off, until I start feeling good again, and so on.... Monday I went out for a 16 minute run on the roads, but my hip was sore, so I cut it down to 12. Tuesday I went to the gym and did an elliptical for 30 minutes. Wed I took off. Thurs I went to the trail and did 16 minutes. Friday I took off. And today I went to the trail and did 18 minutes pushing Banjo.

Not a bad week all in all. By Wed most of the soreness was gone, so I feel like I was able to steer myself out of the weeds and back on track. My trail runs on Thur and Sat were great-- being able to run for that long without soreness makes me feel like this whole hip thing is going to eventually go away. Whether that's true or not, it feels good.

I've noticed that my hip is still weak-- esp when I do lunges. My right hip has to strain more to get back up... so there is still weakness I need to address. When I overdid it at the gym on Sunday, I used too much weight-- I should do more reps, take it more slowly....

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