Wednesday, January 20, 2010

10K anyone?

This past Saturday I broke out my 6 mile neighborhood run. The last time I tried to run it in June I had to walk the last mile because of soreness. This time I ran the whole thing fast and finished strong. There was one hill toward the end where I felt like throwing my fists in the air and yelling--- it suddenly hit me that I was doing it-- running--- really running--- something I've been wanting to do for a long long time. It felt great. I was on a busy street, too self conscious to actually do it.... but I should have...

Yesterday I ran 7 miles on the trail with friends. This too, was a special route for me, something I used to run all the time. It's been about 2.5 years since I've been healthy enough to tackle it. We kept an honest pace, finished fast-- 53 minutes of running-- again, it's been years....

I woke up this morning a little sore--- shins, quads, a blister or 2 on the feet--- hip soreness may be there a little, but it's light.

There's a 10K in April, the "Cap10K". I ran it in '07-- in fact, it was the last time I wore a chip, officially raced. That's me racing it in picture to the left. I'd love to race it again. OK, I'm officially putting it out there-- I intend to run the Cap10K in April. I may be jinxing it, but here it is--- blogged.

Postscript: I canceled my appointment with the hip resurfacing doc because I think my hip is trying to tell me that it doesn't want to be replaced...



AWESOME and inspiring to hear!!!! Positive thoughts continue to head your way!

Rich said...

Thanks Carrie!

Hope all's good on your end.

freeheelfun said...

Hurray Rich! Great news to hear. It seems like just when you were about to throw in the towel for good your hip started to cooperate...maybe Dr. Sampson is right and it really does take 18 mos. to truly heal...too bad for me that I don't have that much patience any more! I am running vicariously through you as I cannot even remember what its like to do a 7 mile walk let alone trail run! I cannot wait for the day that my shins,knees, etc are more sore than my hip after a run.

Rich said...

You're right--- I had thrown in the towel, so to speak. Crazy shit. I wish this stuff was more predictable. 2 months ago I would have never guessed I'd be here. And from here things can go either way, of course-- I'm realistic. I'm sure enjoying it though.