Friday, February 8, 2008

An unfascinating account

Did another treadmill workout, 4/1 walk/run, 7% incline, 30 minutes, except at the end, I made things a little more interesting and finished at 8 minute pace, just to see what it felt like, and it felt good, actually, no biggee. So Monday I think I'm ready to graduate to a 3/2 walk run. The thought occurred to me in the shower that there is no cheating the treadmill-- when you dial in 8 minute pace, you run at 8:00 pace, etc, etc. So what would happen if over the course of weeks, months even, you slowly cranked up the difficulty until you got to say, a 30 minute workout at 6:00 pace-- would it work? I've never been able to run that fast for that long, but I've never been very good at base building either. What usually happens, I think, is I get impatient and throw a wrench into my training by attempting something that's beyond me. Just a thought....I'd probably go nuts spending that much time on the treadmill. Listen to me-- I can't even run for 5 minutes, yet I'm talking as if.....

On Monday I did the 3/2 workout for 30 minutes. I eased up on the incline though, changed it to 5% because I felt like I was working too hard. I felt soreness afterwards, and it was greater than last week, but it wasn't bad-- muscle soreness? The workout added up to 2.2 miles, 1.2 of it was running.

Tuesday I visited my PT. He congratulated me for making it to 12 weeks. "No holds barred now" he said, which made me chuckle because I know it's not quite true-- the hip is improving, which is good, but it's far from no holds barred.

Wed I did another 3/2 walk/run for 30 minutes or another 1.2 miles of running. This time I felt pretty sore afterwards-- it could have been the squats and lunges that I did before, or it could be the running. Soreness in the groin, like before the surgery-- pain when abducting the right leg. I've felt it off and on since surgery. The pain is mostly gone when sitting though, which is an improvement.

Friday I did yet another 3/2 walk/run for 30 minutes, and I focused on keeping my right foot from landing on the centerline, which it usually theory being that this isn't helping my hip any, and based on how it felt after the workout, there may be something to that theory, i.e. the hip felt much better than Wed. But it took lots of concentration to keep my feet apart. Did my foot cross over because of a weak glute medius? Wow, what a fascinating question! Something I'll have to ask my PT about....

And that concludes a fairly unfascinating account of the week.

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