Tuesday, February 26, 2008

On track?

Some dead air on the blog lately mostly because of biz travels-- spent a couple days in Pittsburgh. Dang it was cold there. But I ate well and spent the "downtime" recovering from a treadmill workout where I finished at 5:55 pace just because I was curious..... and impatient after spending so much time at 10:00 pace. The faster pace didn't feel too bad, but I was pretty sore afterwards. (duh) But I still managed to run to a connecting flight on my way home a couple days later, so I don't think my urge to do something stupid was all that bad..... seems like I need to do those things occasionally to keep sane.

Saturday I did another 2/3 walk/run, 9:45 pace, 3% incline for 25 minutes, and felt a little sore afterwards. Monday I spent an hour in Barton with Liliana aquajogging. We talked mostly about running, stayed clear of running group gossip, unfortunately. Tues I did another treadmill run, 2/3 walk/run, etc, for 30 minutes. This put me at 2.5 miles total distance, 1.5 of it running. And I feel good today (Wed), very little soreness, so I might give it another go tonight. For extra incentive I can watch Jon Stewart at the gym (we canceled cable recently, and I need my Daily Show fix. Did you know that it's $2.99 per episode via podcast? what a sham.)

I should also mention that I talked to my doc on Monday and asked him if I was on track with my recovery. He was happy with my wimpy-ass workouts (my words) and said I am indeed still on track for a full recovery. Part of me believes him, but part of me sees a partial recovery where I'm constantly negotiating with the hip.... and then possibly finding another sport. And part of me thinks he's just dishing out positive thoughts even though he has doubts, or simply doesn't know. I certainly don't know-- maybe I should just believe what he says. But it's tough to imagine running 13 miles, which was a typical long run, when it's taken me 8 weeks to work up to a 2.5 mile walk/run. In 2 months I will be 6 months into my recovery, which he reiterated is when the recovery/improvement window starts to close. Wow, I used to think that a 1 month recovery was a big deal. oooof.

Oh, finally, I should mention to my many thousands of blog readers that Christina and I are pregnant again, due in late July. We're thrilled-- and everything is going well. But of course, I'm inclined to freak out about these things, so let the parental anxiety begin, again. We're going to Mexico next week to celebrate "the last days of one kid" and mentally prepare for numero dos. And our hotel has a good gym of course....

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