Thursday, November 15, 2007


I'm not sure if my hip is sore lately. The pain has always been a dull achy sensation that's hard to locate. I think I have that. Is it because I'm pushing things? Or am I just healing? I hate the gray areas of recovery..... I have a lunch date today, so no gym-- probably good to give it a rest. I went yesterday and focused on my core. Crunches went well, although they were really dang hard for some reason-- the brace? I could only do about half my normal reps. Searched around for other candidates-- ah, the ab machine. I gave it a try, did several sets of 10. But I couldn't find anything that targeted my lower back that also allowed me to sit down. Oh well, did some roman chair bent leg raises (wimpy ones), more crunches and something called a row pull. Next time I'll do some supermans for the lower back-- doing them at the gym might be gross-- too intimate with the floor.

Tomorrow I'll mix some more core with some leg stuff-- left leg. I've always had a leg strength imbalance-- more strength on my right, injured side. So strengthening my left might help. But I'm going to take everything down a notch for the next couple of days and see what happens with the soreness.

I've been getting several emails lately from my good running friends. Thanks for those. The words of encouragement are gonna stay with me. I was really sad to hear about Mel's injury. Hang in there.... If things go well, I'll be strapping on the water jogging belt the week after next. But the rehab calls for "water walking". God that's funny.


shannon said...

water walking? oh dear god.

Rich said...

My thoughts exactly.....