Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Gym for gimps

I did an honest 30 minute workout at the gym yesterday. My gym has one of those hand-cycles, so I gave that a go for my warmup. I got my heartrate up with that thing, which is good. When you've got a lame leg it's really hard to find ways to work your cardio. I then went around and found upper body exercises I've never tried (always focused on legs and core)-- lat pulldown, tricep thingy, chest deal, bench, and some other machine that worked arm muscles I can't remember the name of.

I've always hated the gym, but I sorta enjoyed it in my gimpy state. A few people even smiled at me-- that never happens at the gym. Gyms are anti-social, at least that's my take. The whole shower/change thing took forever though. I'll be glad when I don't have to mess with the hip brace-- I can toss that thing next Thurs.

I'm gonna go back today and see if I can put together some kind of core workout.

Small confession: I've been getting around on one crutch quite a bit. I'm being careful to put very little weight on my right. Doc says no more than 40 pounds. I think I'm good.

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