Tuesday, December 4, 2007

More like a normal person

Being able to walk again is good-- I feel like I've turned a corner. Some other things I can do recently, more like a normal person:

Go up and down stairs -- until recently I'd use the baby-step method.
Touch the bottom of my right foot-- I needed to do this to wash my foot, instead of moving it back and forth on the soap while in the shower.
Put on a sock -- still difficult, but getting easier. It's challenging to put on a sock or shoe without bending your hip past 90 degrees, which the doc doesn't want me to do.
Put on pants -- a normal person stands on one leg at a time while putting on pants. I used to sit down or do a weird inching up my leg thing.
Get into a car -- A normal person puts his/her right leg in first when getting into the driver's side. I would put my butt in first then rotate my legs in.

Saw my PT today and he gave me new exercises and gave me a green light for elliptical, etc, but I think I'm going to stick to the bike and try to comfortably hit my 30 minute goal. He said my walking gait looks great. He keeps saying my hip problem originated from "femoral anterior glide syndrome", caused by a muscle strength imbalance, weak glutes....this is my reminder to read more about it. I tell him that my doc thinks it is femoroacetabular impingement that caused the labral tear. It's always good to have a fancy term for what ails you--- now I have two.

On the downside, I've been having a strange pain in my right knee when I engage my hamstring. My PT thinks it has to do with my return to walking, but I don't see how my wimpy steps can cause this amount of pain. I've read that knee pain can happen after hip surgery because of nerve issues. I'm driving to Houston Friday for my 1-month follow up. I'll ask my doc about it. I've also been sick lately, so I haven't been to the gym since Friday. Gonna go tomorrow though.

Update: 22 minutes on the bike and 3:30 on the elliptical, guess I couldn't resist....

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