Saturday, July 19, 2008

Not that lame anymore?

Of course, Bubba has made it challenging to get out the door for a workout, and the added stress has made me want to exercise more. Bubba spent 6 days in the NICU for a possible infection-- the whole thing was frustrating and stressful, so my first run since he was born was a fast 5 miler through the neighborhood at a pace my hip couldn't handle, so the next couple days my hip was pretty sore. I hadn't run that far since surgery. Then a few days later (last Monday) I ran 6 miles on a favorite route that I hadn't tried for almost a year-- south through UT, capitol, Lamar, and return on 34th. It felt OK, even though my hip probably wasn't ready for it. Afterwards, the hip felt sore in a new way, less achy, more burn? difficult to describe. So Wed, what did I do? I went out and did the same route again. I took it slower, and surprisingly, it felt good. I found my cruise gear. Thurs, Fri and Sat I ran easy 4 milers, putting my mileage for the week at 24 miles-- a huge jump from 16. The soreness has been almost gone. I'm sure it's closeby, ready to show itself. My old friends the shin splints are back, a sure sign of increasing mileage, and I'm happy to feel them again after such a long time-- they tell me that the hip is better. Actually, the shins are bothering me more. I've got a different bag of tricks to deal with them-- massage, calf raises, etc-- no complaints.

So my plan is to try to run 6 days a week for the next couple weeks, and then add a 7th day. For now, the evenings are working well-- no one minds that Daddy is gone then, and it's a heckuva lot cooler. It all has me thinking that I'm not that lame anymore. Can it be true? Granted, I only have 1 week under my belt, but 6 days of running in a week ain't that lame. Compared to a limp-inducing 15 minutes on the exercise bike, I've come a long way.


shannon said...

Hot damn!!! I'm impressed. 6 days of running is quite a lot. And, just the fact that you're able to get out of the house is impressive. Does Banjo get to go on some of those runs with you??

Rich said...

Hey Shannon-- hope for new parents, eh?! Unfortunately Banjo has been reluctant to exercise since Bubba has arrived. He's coming around though-- willing to leave mommy for longer and longer....