Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Gazelle workout

Did my first workout with my training group in a long long while-- the workout entailed being on my feet for 3 hours at the xmas party. It was a fun party, and I even contemplated dancing, but thought better of it. Afterwards I headed home for some much needed sleep crosstraining. All in all, it was a great workout. I woke up the next morning with soreness on my right shin, not unlike shin-splints. But the hip felt fine. I'm thinking the shin-splint soreness is probably the same referred pain that has been hanging around my right knee. The knee pain has been getting better recently, although the pain is apparently moving down my leg.....

I saw my PT today, and he had me go through the same exercises that I've been doing for several weeks, clams, bridges, rollbacks, etc, but nothing else worth noting.

Last week I tried to do 3 elliptical workouts but only did 2. I was busy Friday and I felt some accumulated soreness from the week, so it's probably good I skipped it. I find it difficult not to hammer on the elliptical. I feel strong on it, which is a good feeling. My turnover is good, probably faster than before surgery, but the power isn't there yet. I'm guessing that some of my deeper frustrations are being exorcised on that machine. I've been doing around 25 minutes for each workout. I'd like to keep it around there but increase the intensity, push my cardio, maybe get it close to where it was pre-surgery. It's good to have goals...

I'm going to try for 3x elliptical again this week and do 2x long walks. I started walking last week, went for a 15 minute walk around the block with Lucy our dog. I'm not sure, but I blame the walk for my soreness late in the week. Went for another walk today, just shy of 20 minutes, but about 10 minutes into the walk, I could feel my hip getting stiff. But I focused on engaging my glutes...that helped. I figure that I'm not even going to attempt to run until I can comfortably walk for 2 hours without issues. I'll work on my walking progression on Saturday mornings.

Having said that, I did some running over the weekend. Christina dropped me and Banjo off at the starting line of the Jingle Bell 5k on Sunday morning so we could watch, but I was a little late and had to run over the 1st Street bridge so I could emerge on the other side and yell at the lead pack. I probably ran only 150 yards...and I was going pretty slow, putting lots of weight on Banjo's stroller, but still.... It's worth noting that I didn't have much pain, if any, but it didn't feel very good either. It served as a reminder that I'm far from being able to run any satisfying distance or pace...... but once I get there, I can look back and be happy that I've come a long way. Anyway, the race was fun to watch, and I recognized several runners. Patrick has been running well lately after recovering from a nasty ankle injury-- he ran well, but pulled his calf in the last 800 meters. That sucked, and I felt bad for him. He should heal in a couple weeks, but we're all hoping he gets professional help (for his calf.) Banjo was quiet the whole time. I think he tolerates these things for Daddy's sake.

I met Dick Beardsley, which was incredible. He was there promoting the Dick Beardsley Foundation. There should have been a mob around the guy, but I just walked right up to him and introduced myself. He asked if I ran the race and I explained that I was injured. He was genuinely interested so I told him about my hip, blah, blah, and told me a story about a friend of his that had total hip replacement and can still pound out 70 second laps. Dick still runs 3 or 4 marathons a year, which is amazing considering what he's been through. Really nice guy. I left the race feeling inspired. I also scored some really good cookies.

Update: the day after my 20 minute walk I was sore-- sore enough for me to consider skipping my elliptical workout, so in the interest of being "good" I went ahead and skipped it. That was yesterday. Today I did a 16 minute walk and feel a little sore. Granted, being able to walk for that long is an accomplishment, but it's also depressing that my hip complains 24 hours after such a "workout".....


Anonymous said...

I'm impressed with your workouts!! I'm still hobbling like an old lady - I'm not doing PT and I think I'm doomed to walk and hurt like this forever...

Rich said...

I hobble like an old lady every now and then too.... I figure if it takes me a year or two to recover completely from this, I'll be happy, as long as I recover.